The FBI’s “2011 National Gang Threat Assessment” pretty much delivers what the title describes and includes information on various groups, many described by countries of origin. For example, the report’s index has separate entries for gangs described as “Asian,” “East African,” and “Caribbean.” But it’s on page No. 21 where the Bureau gets to the heart of the matter.

“Most crimes committed by Juggalos are sporadic, disorganized, individualistic, and often involve simple assault, personal drug use and possession, petty theft and vandalism,” the report states. “However, open source reporting suggests that a small number of Juggalos are forming more organized subsets and engaging in more gang-like criminal activity, such as felony assaults, thefts, robberies and drug sales. Social networking websites are a popular conveyance for Juggalo sub-culture to communicate and expand.”

The report goes on to say “Juggalo criminal activity has increased over the past several years and has expanded to several other states,” and notes that four states – Arizona, California, Pennsylvania and Utah – already recognize the group as a gang and claims many “criminal Juggalo subsets” consist of “transient or homeless individuals.”

(Audio may be NSFW)

As to how Juggalos are allegedly threatening polite society, the FBI has that covered, too, saying “Transient, criminal Juggalo groups” are hazards due to their “potential for violence, drug use/sales, and their general destructive and violent nature” and includes a photo of someone in clown makeup holding a gun and captioned “Juggalo member.”

But are Juggalos really a threat to all that’s good in America? Or are they just another wayward group disenfranchised by society because of their love for rap, wrestling and down-home debauchery? And if the FBI is concerned about Juggalos, what might they make of Parrotheads, Deadheads, Beliebers and KatyCats? America needs answers. And soon.

Click here for the complete “2011 National Gang Threat Assessment.”