Adele Updates Fans On Surgery

Adele took time out from her recovery this week to tell fans how she was doing after her recent vocal cord surgery.

Late last month Columbia Records announced the British singer was planning to undergo throat surgery. At that point the singer canceled all remaining promotional appearances and concerts for the rest of the year.

The Associated Press reported last week that Adele had throat surgery in Boston with Dr. Steven Zeitels, director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Voice Center. A spokesman for the hospital said the vocal cord microsurgery was done to stop recurrent bleeding from a benign polyp.

Photo: AP Photo / NBC
NBC "Today" show, New York City

On Monday Adele updated her blog post with a post titled “Hello!” In the post she thanked fans for their support and assured them her recovery was going well.

“Sorry I haven’t written for a while. Thank you for all your positive thoughts and get well wishes. I’m doing really well, on the mend, super happy, relaxed and very positive with it all. The operation was a success and I’m just chilling out now until I get the all clear from my doctors. Thank you to everyone who voted for the awards I’ve won recently as well. Hugely appreciated. I best get back to practicing my mime show now. Take care, miss you all.”

Health issues related to Adele’s voice have affected her tour schedule throughout 2011. During the past year the singer has had to cancel or postpone numerous shows because of a case of laryngitis, a hemorrhage on her vocal cord, and a respiratory and chest infection.

Click here for Adele’s website.