Capital One website designer Bill Bricker, of Charlottesville, Va., is the man with the plan. He’s calling for his fellow Runt aficionados to join him tomorrow night when Rundrgen’s reconstituted Utopia band concludes a short tour in Upper Darby, Pa., at the Tower Theatre. If everything goes Bricker’s way, fans will hold up 3,000 glow sticks to spell out a neon-designed message of “LOVE.”

Along with commemorating the final night of the Utopia tour, the glow stick-tribute will also honor former Utopia keyboardist “Mark “Moogy” Klingman who succumbed to cancer Tuesday.

“I wanted to do something special to commemorate the final show of the tour, and a friend suggested a love message in glow sticks for Moogy,” Brickman said in a statement.

As to the attempt to shatter a world record, evidently the key is in the number of glow sticks. Brickman says the previous Guinness World Record for glow stick design consisted of 300 sticks.

Of the 3,000 sticks, Brickman noted that 2,300 will be various colors while 300 white sticks will spell out the word “LOVE.”