CKX Gets New Boss

NBC exec Marc Graboff is expected to become the new chief of CKX, which has reportedly parted ways with Mike Ferrel.

CKX, which owns the various “Idol” franchises and the majority of Elvis Presley Enterprises, was first organized by Robert Sillerman, who was also responsible for creating the concert promotion network that has matured into Live Nation.

The company was purchased by Apollo Management in July, and Ferrel helped the private-equity firm take CKX off the public market.

One source told the New York Post Ferrel’s exit was surprising because Ferrel’s role was guaranteed as part of the acquisition plan; another source told the paper that Ferrel had given his notice to leave.

Graboff was head of NBC’s West Coast operations. He is one of a string of execs to exit the company after Comcast bought a majority stake in NBC Universal.

Graboff was hired after CKX reportedly interviewed “scores of executives about their interest in the top job.”