Ticketfly introduced in December a purchasing platform that works fully within Facebook. Ticketmaster has now announced an equivalent, integrated with Spotify, while Ticketfly announced an enhanced version of its application.

Ticketmaster’s platform allows fans to browse events, view events their friends are attending, read reviews, and build their own upcoming show lists using the “I want to go” feature. Users can also RSVP to a event, which alerts friends, and users can then purchase tickets without leaving Facebook.

The platform has the unique feature of being integrated with Spotify. The app delivers recommended events based upon a user’s listening habits.

“Spotify’s social integration with Facebook already gives music fans the ability to discover, enjoy and share more music than ever before,” Spotify’s Marc Hazan said. “The integration of Spotify into Ticketmaster’s ‘Recommended Events’ takes this to the next level, creating a seamless experience for music fans, from discovery and sharing to the fun and excitement of the live event.”

Meanwhile, Ticketfly’s Facebook Timeline App now allows users to publicly RSVP and share events they are attending.

“For promoters, this means that fans will not only help you sell tickets, but they will increase awareness for your brand, venue and booked artists online,” Ticketfly said. “Event links on your fans’ Timelines means more traffic to your Facebook Purchase process and more fans as the event spreads throughout Sludge’s social circles. Can anyone say … free promotion?”