Live Blogging The Grammys

Hi. I’m Joe. I’m the news editor of Pollstar, the magazine. I’m going to be at the Grammys, live blogging. It won’t be interesting.

Here’s why: If you enjoy music, it’s probably better to watch the awards show on television. Take my word on it. C’mon, seriously.

Second, I’m going to be in the media room. It’s not the Red Carpet, it’s not the floor of the Staples Center. It’s a room that looks like a dull version of the NASA launch center – all of the journalists, plus me, are in a room above Staples, writing and blogging while we look at television screens. It’s a little slice of heaven.

Also, if you hadn’t noticed yet, Pollstar is a trade mag, focusing on the concert business and the people behind the scenes. Any stream-of-consciousness live blogging I may put up could reference exciting topics like Al Jardine being a Skyline Music client.

Sounds like fun?

All kidding aside, it should be a unique viewpoint to the event, and give a glimpse into the gritty world of writers, publicists, event staff and volunteers who just want to do their jobs and get to bed.

For those who want to follow the awards for a take on the winners/losers, I suggest Melinda Newman’s blog. She tears it up every year.