Taking On The Times

Gary Adler, executive director and general counsel of the National Association of Ticket Brokers, was none too pleased with a recent New York Times article.

“Black Eye for Ticket Reseller,” which focused on the alleged Oscar-party travails of TicketNetwork CEO Don Vaccaro, made a blanket statement that irked Adler.

Vacarro was arrested at the Hartford, Conn., party for alleged hate crimes, police interference and other offenses after allegedly grabbing a woman inappropriately and saying racially charged comments to a black security guard.

According to the article, the incident was a “blow to scalpers – who prefer to be called brokers – as they try to cultivate an image of professionalism.”

Adler would have none of that, and wrote a letter to the editor.

The article references a Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection report, yet Adler noted that report did find a difference between “brokers” and “scalpers” in that it stated “that pejorative term is anachronistic and inappropriate.”
Adler also said the report was not entirely critical of resellers.

“In reality, the report stresses that resellers serve ‘an important role’ and ‘create several benefits to both consumers and to venues and promoters,’” Adler wrote. “It notes that resellers give consumers efficient access to a large number of competing sellers. Indeed, over 40 percent of tickets on the resale market sell for below face value.”

He added that the report found that resellers assume the risk of reselling tickets, assuring financial success for promoters and venues. “Legitimate ticket brokers also contribute thousands of free tickets to charities and members of military throughout the country.”

Also, legitimate ticket brokers have created an open and transparent secondary market “free from fraud and abuse.”
“It is unfortunate that your article chose to shine a negative light on an entire industry based on the acts of one person,” Adler concluded.