Call For Scalping Change

Vector Arena director Stuart Clumpas is among those calling for changes to New Zealand’s scalping laws.

It follows fan anger after 10,000 tickets for three shows by One Direction sold out in minutes. Tickets priced at NZ$93 (US$76.50) were online for $2,010 (US$1,653).

The British boy band is doing afternoon and night shows at Auckland’s Trust Stadium Arena April 21 and Wellington’s St. James Theatre the following night.

Anti-scalping laws introduced last year before the Rugby World Cup cover only sporting events.

The call is for the Major Events Management Act to also cover major concerts, and that these should not just be accessible to those who pay higher prices.

“What I would like to see, speaking personally as a promoter and ex promoter of 30 years, is something akin to the sporting legislation – that tickets can be sold at 5-10 percent above their face value, but certainly a cap,” Clumpas said.
Paul Ford, a spokesman for auction e-house Trade Me, said his company would delete ticket reselling offers if scalping was made illegal.

But, at this point, he said, “It goes against the grain of Trade Me to regulate pricing.”

Ford said a survey of its users some years ago found an overwhelming 81 percent were in favour of ticket re-sale.