Live Nation’s Massive Pub Crawl

Two of Live Nation UK’s top execs are taking a long walk to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

CEO Paul Latham and COO John Probyn will take five days to hike the 144 miles from Download Festival in Donington to London’s Hyde Park, where LN organises a summer series of music and entertainment events.

They plan to leave Download’s 10th anniversary bash – this year’s lineup has Metallica, The Prodigy, Biffy Clyro and Soundgarden – when the last band has played.

Joining them on the trek and raising money for their own chosen charities will be Irish promoter Denis Desmond and London agent Carl Leighton-Pope.

The route for The Long Walk includes a picturesque 88-mile stretch of the Grand Union Canal, but what could be a hazardous journey also involves passing a public house every two miles or so.

“It’s 144 miles past 73 pubs, what could possibly go wrong?” Probyn asked.

Backup facilities on Grand Union Canal boats are believed to be in place.

Latham, who is already in training for the June 11-15 slog, told Pollstar he’s doing 15-mile walks every weekend.

He said he’s taking his training very seriously and is even forgoing his occasional pint of Guinness.

Latham’s previous charitable efforts once earned him a place in the Guinness Book Of World Records.

In 1982 he sat in a bath of porridge for 80 hours to raise money for another cancer-related charity. It broke the record for the amount of time that anyone had sat in a bath of anything.

“I was first told the record was about a couple of days, but – before I made the attempt – I found out it was over three-and-a-half days,” he explained.

It wasn’t hard to verify that he’d broken the record as the bath was in a shop window in the centre of Crewe, Latham’s hometown.

To make a charitable donation to The Long Walk visit,