Whitney Houston’s School Underwhelmed By Donations

Administrators of the New Jersey school that bears Whitney Houston’s name are underwhelmed by donations received in lieu of flowers after the singer’s death in February.

The Whitney E. Houston Academy of Creative and Performing Arts in East Orange has received $40,613.

Sony Music, which is the parent company of Houston’s official representative, contributed the most, $25,000. Singers Jay-Z and Beyoncé made the second-largest donation, $10,000.

School district accountant Felicie Desroches tells The Star-Ledger Of Newark she thought there would be more because Houston had so many fans.

Principal Henry Hamilton says he plans to use the money to establish a scholarship and update performing arts equipment.

Photo: AP Photo
American flag flies at half-staff at The Whitney E. Houston Academy of Creative and Performing Arts in East Orange, N.J.

An autopsy showed Houston drowned in a hotel bathtub on Feb. 11.