TMW’s International Success

There were multiple encouraging figures from this year’s Tallinn Music Week in Estonia, but organisers will likely be most pleased that the number of international delegates increased by 50 percent from 194 to 306.

The country that sent the most delegates was Finland, with 108, followed by 46 from Latvia, 34 from the UK, 27 from Germany and 19 from Russia.

“We are happy to see that TMW now has a solid place in the calendar for the key players and organizations in our region’s music industry,” said TMW head organiser Helen Sildna.

The total number of delegates was up 40 percent year on year to 589, a little more than double the amount that attended the inaugural TMW in 2009.

Between March 29 and 31, 183 acts from around Europe played 27 TMW venues. They were watched by a total of 11,200 festival visitors.

It broke the records for the number of acts, the number of venues and the number of festivalgoers.

“Just five years ago it was quite rare to see an Estonian band play in Finland or Latvia and as rare to see any Latvian bands play in Estonia,” Sildna explained. “Things have changed significantly and suddenly the whole region is a bigger and more open marketplace for new talent.”