HotStar: Anjelah Johnson
If you’re a woman who gets routine manicures or pedicures, there’s a good chance you’ve seen
The video’s been viewed more than 27 million times and Gersh’s Rick Greenstein recently observed that “almost without fail, any time I’ve ever asked a woman between the ages of 19 and 35 if they’re familiar with the nail salon bit online, the woman goes, ‘I love that bit!’ Every woman seems to know it,” he told Pollstar.
The clip heightened Johnson’s visibility and led to a role on “MADtv,” where she developed the character Bon Qui Qui. When a “Bon Qui Qui” video was posted it eclipsed her previous clips, scoring more than 55 million hits to date.
But the funnywoman has scored a lot of fans through her live comedy as well. TJ Markwalter, who co-reps her along with Greenstein, explained Johnson’s unique brand of “clean, but hip” stand-up has taken off from California to the Carolinas.
“It’s one of the things that’s great and has enabled such a large audience for her,” Markwalter told Pollstar. “One of the things we got into [at comedy clubs] was adding a 5 p.m. or 4 p.m. show that we would make all ages and we would see the tickets explode off the shelves because we realized there was actually a market. But what’s great about it is she still has the adult fans. She’s got the best of both worlds.”
Johnson’s already made the leap into mid-size theatres, where she’s selling out 2,000- to 3,000-plus rooms, sometimes months in advance, and moving into casinos, Greenstein said.
“She’s now a full-on concert attraction,” he said. “The demographic of her audience, by the nature of her material, is extremely broad so we’re getting resistance nowhere. She’s really selling every place we’re sending her.”
Johnson will be on the road through the end of the year and plans are in the works to make a bigger push into the Northeast and Northwest.