Gaga ‘Insults All Religions,’ Promotes Satan

Lady Gaga is scheduled to perform in Jakarta on June 3 and conservative Muslim groups have already expressed opposition.

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Times Square, New York City

“Lady Gaga insults all religions,” said a spokesman for the Islamic Defenders’ Front, according to a report on the Wall Street Journal’s Southeast Asia Realtime website.

“Even Christians in Korea opposed her. She is promoting the worship of Satan.”

The group in South Korea objected to the singer’s appearance in Seoul because they said she “promoted” homosexuality.

The IDF, however, has not said whether it plans to carry out any protests before the concert in Jakarta, though the Jakarta Post previously reported the group’s chairman, Rizieq Shihab, warned there would be trouble if the concert was allowed to take place as planned.

“If you want chaos in Jakarta,” he told the newspaper, “just continue to hold the concert.”

Another Muslim scholar told the Jakarta Globe that the performances were “haram” the Muslim term for “forbidden,” because the singer wears revealing clothing on stage.

The IDF tend to be taken seriously because some years ago its members had the habit of vandalizing bars and nightclubs the organization said harbored drug addicts and prostitutes.

Photo: AP Photo
Performs on stage at the MTV European Music Awards 2011, in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Just two weeks ago the IDF forced Irshad Manji, a Canadian Muslim with liberal views, to cancel a public discussion of her new book, “Allah, Liberty and Love.”

The IDF objected to what it said was the writer’s acceptance of homosexuality and the fact that she is not only not an Islamic scholar, but doesn’t speak Arabic either.

In other Gaga news, the star raised 6 million yen ($75,000) for earthquake-related aid in Japan by auctioning off a teacup with her autograph and a lipstick kiss.

Bloomberg reports that Lady Gaga used the blue, white and gold cup last June in Tokyo to hold her Diet Coke during a press conference with U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos.

Apparently, the cup hasn’t been washed since then.

Photo: AP Photo
Odyssey Arena, Belfast, Ireland

Yahoo Japan conducted the May 6 auction. All proceeds went to the Tomodachi Arts Fellowship Program, which helps young victims of the disaster study in the U.S.