Madsen Reviews Indoor Spot
Spot co-organiser Gunnar Madsen was pleased this year’s Danish festival sold out, but says he’ll take time reviewing whether it will remain an indoor event.
Spot has previously used the Århus City Hall car park as an outdoor venue, but last year the weather was so bad that Madsen reckoned it cost the showcase festival about 1,000 ticket sales.
“This year the weather was not so bad but we had made the decision to move indoors, the festival sold out and we ended up with long queues outside some of the clubs,” he told Pollstar. “Of the 130 bands we had, around 110 of them are barely known outside of Scandinavia. It’s impossible to know which of them is likely to get a crowd.”
He said he’s sorry to have lost the outdoor space but grateful that this year’s sellout made good the losses from 2011.
Spot sold out its 4,000 festival tickets and the conference that ran alongside it May 4-5 attracted 2,500 delegates.
The better-known acts on the festival bill included Alphabeat, The Megaphonic Thrift, Savage Rose and The Raveonettes.