Sarkozy The House Husband

Nicolas Sarkozy is reportedly retiring from politics following his defeat in the French presidential elections May 6, leaving his wife to go back to work.

Mrs. Sarkozy, or 44-year-old French-Italian singer-songwriter Carla Bruni, is releasing a new album and going back on the road.

Meanwhile, it seems the 57-year-old former president will be left at home holding the baby, the couple’s seven-month-old daughter Giulia.

Bruni’s spokesperson has been telling the French media that Carla did not put her career on hold during Sarkozy’s five years in office. “She continued to compose,” the rep explained. “What she gave up for practical reasons was her public concerts, which she is now able to start again.”

There are also rumours that France’s former first lady could be starring as herself in a film about her family.