Randy Travis Sues Ex

Randy Travis has filed a countersuit against his ex-wife / former manager Elizabeth, claiming she spread confidential information about him.

Randy claims Elizabeth breached her contract, and spread information in a plot to ruin his career and damage his reputation. Although the lawsuit does not mention details, it includes an August letter sent to Elizabeth by one of Randy’s attorneys demanding she “cease and desist from discussing Mr. Travis’ personal and/or business affairs with third parties.”

The couple divorced in 2010 after 19 years of marriage, and Elizabeth Travis was his manager for more than three decades. She continued to work for him past the divorce but sued him last month claiming Randy made it impossible for her to do her job and terminated her contract without proper notice.

She also claims Randy sent several men, including an armed guard, to clean out her offices in Nashville to items and records linked to him.

Randy says in the countersuit his ex-wife “completely destroyed the requisite degree of trust” that should exist between an artist and personal manager. He is asking a judge to bar her from future commissions and seeks attorney fees.