Halifax Cuts Check For Concert Debt

Regional councilors in Halifax, Nova Scotia, agreed to pay off the remainder of a large debt from a concert scandal that unearthed cover-ups and poor decisions by officials in their drive to put the city on the map as a concert destination.

Promoter Harold MacKay of the now-defunct Power Promotional Events was forwarded a number of large unauthorized cash advances in recent years by city officials to produce concerts on the Halifax Commons.

But when a pair of concerts didn’t go as planned in 2010 and MacKay’s company went out of business, the city was left on the hook for $360,000. MacKay reportedly repaid the city $38,000 last year.

The cash advances were originally funneled through Trade Center Limited, a nonprofit business incubator, and councilors had asked the group to share the financial burden, according to CBC News.

“Let’s remember this is a small community and we all have to work together, not just today but tomorrow,” Councilor Steve Streatch said during a meeting.

Instead, the remainder of the debt will reportedly be repaid through the city’s fiscal services department.