Tablo Vindicated

South Korean hip-hop star Dan Lee, who goes by the stage name Tablo, is about to release a new album called Fever’s End, which chronicles the media firestorm he has had to endure over the last few years.

Lee earned two degrees in English from Stanford University before bursting on Korea’s burgeoning hip-hop scene in 2005. By the end of the decade he pretty much dominated the genre, and even scored a No. 1 album on the U.S. iTunes hip-hop chart.

However, more than a year ago rumors started circulating on the Internet that his degrees from Stanford were bogus.

Though he produced both as well as all his transcripts and the university itself testified to reporters that what he claimed was true, the rumors blossomed into a full-fledged hate campaign that forced the rapper into hiding.

The irony wasn’t lost on some commentators: a degree from Stanford is not the sort of certification rappers require to be popular, but such is Korea’s education culture that diplomas matter a lot in terms of public relations.

The press has finally come around to Tablo’s side and on May 12 persons who posted false accusations online were put on trial for criminal defamation and could face imprisonment.

Lee seems vindicated but reportedly says he still isn’t ready to perform in public.