Ron Paul Fest In A Pickle

Ron Paul supporters are crying foul over what they claim is a move by the Republican National Committee to quash their efforts to organize a “multi-day music festival dedicated to the idea of personal liberty.”

Paul Fest 2012 is scheduled for Aug. 24-26 at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa – just prior to the start of the GOP Convention on Aug. 27 at the Tampa Bay Times Forum.

But Republican leaders have delayed the release of the fairgrounds for Paul Fest, leaving event organizers, who have reportedly already received commitments from “major celebrity speakers and top-tier musical talent,” in a jam.

“By delaying the release,” said organizer Deborah Robinet in a statement, “the Republican leadership is actually denying conference organizers sufficient time to plan the event, which is expected to bring as many as 100,000 to Tampa.

“With so many expected attendees and the potential economic opportunity for the Florida community, it is difficult to understand why the RNC would not release the venue in a timely manner.”

RNC organizers say they’re not blocking anyone and that a decision will be made within a few weeks. “We have an extraordinary amount for requests for the venues we do have,” organizer James Davis said. “We’re going through and making assignments and no one has turned down any assignment yet.”

Supporters of presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney worry that the libertarian, avid Paul supporters will protest or otherwise disrupt the convention.

The RNC has apparently already released some secondary venues like a local mall for use by the Sarah Palin PAC. Headliners and guest speakers for Paul Fest are forthcoming.