TM Canada Settlement
Canadians who’ve bought from Ticketmaster’s secondary TicketsNow website could soon find $36 checks in the mail with the approval of a class-action settlement in Ontario Superior Court.
The suit, filed in 2009, sought hundreds of millions of dollars for class members who purchased through the resale site, alleging TM Canada had diverted some of the most popular tickets to TicketsNow.
Terms of the settlement call for the company to mail out the checks for 139,848 tickets purchased through TicketsNow in four provinces that have anti-scalping laws on the books, according to the National Post. Ticketmaster’s tab is expected to total more than $5 million.
Besides Ontario, judges in Alberta, Quebec and Manitoba will need to examine and approve the agreement before TM pays up, the paper said.
The settlement of the scalping claim won’t necessarily signal the end of the suit. The case also brought forth complaints over TM’s service charges, and lawyers for the class told the Post those complaints will continue in court.
“Our argument there is, if the ‘convenience fees’ aren’t anything to do with actual costs but just a way of charging more, then it is offside,” Attorney Ward Branch said.