Russian Official’s Tweet Appears To Target Madonna

A Russian deputy premier has made a rude statement apparently aimed at Madonna regarding her support for the jailed members of a Russian punk band awaiting a verdict in their trial.

Dmitry Rogozin didn’t name Madonna when he tweeted this week that “every former w. wants to give lectures on morality when she grows old. Especially during foreign tours.” By “w.” he apparently meant “whore.”

Photo: AP Photo
Cell phone photo shows Madonna performing at Olympic Hall in Moscow, Russia.

Just before Vladimir Putin’s returned to the Russian presidency, members of the feminist band danced in Moscow’s main cathedral, singing “Virgin Mary, drive Putin away!”

Madonna supported Pussy Riot at Tuesday’s concert in Moscow, saying she’d “pray for them.” She then turned her bare back, with “Pussy Riot” written on it and donned a ski mask similar to those worn by the band.