Brown And Drake Sued For Fracas

The former owners of the Greenhouse nightclub in New York City have filed a $16 million lawsuit against Chris Brown and Drake, claiming they started the infamous ruckus inside the venue and not their entourages.

Entertainment Enterprises, in papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, says the two stars started the bottle-throwing melee inside the Greenhouse and joint club WiP June 14, according to the New York Post. They then allegedly had their crews join in. Entertainment Enterprises owns the Greenhouse name outside of New York.

The fight started over their common love, Rihanna, according to the suit, and when they “crossed paths” they “began to fight violently with each other.”

Even though the club checked upon entry that everybody was unarmed, “each arrived with his own small army of bodyguards, ‘security’ personnel, employees, friends and other members of their entourage, consisting of at least 15 heavily built men trained and/or experienced in hand-to-hand and weapons combat,” the suit says.

After Brown and Drake went at it, “each ordered his security personnel, bodyguards, friends and entourage to join the fight, which erupted into a violent brawl on a massive scale.” The crews then “fashioned deadly weapons out of whatever materials they could find, including glasses, alcohol bottles and furniture, thereby circumventing the nightclubs’ extensive efforts to ensure a safe environment.”

The suit goes on to say that “on defendant Brown and defendant Drake’s instructions, their two posses had at each other, throwing highball glasses laden with alcohol, shattering the handles of bottles of spirits to use as makeshift knives, and even throwing full bottles at each other. Within seconds, defendants filled an already packed nightclub full of flying glass shrapnel,” the suit says, adding, “defendants overran the nightclubs’ extensive security measures and the brawl overtook the entire space.

“Terrorized patrons ran for cover, using banquettes and tables as improvised shields. Most were unable to protect themselves,” and “several patrons were severely injured, including at least one celebrity,” basketball player Tony Parker.

Parker is suing the clubs for $20 million. Entertainment Enterprises claims it has lost a $4 million licensing deal to expand the club brands outside of NYC because of the bad publicity stemming from the fight.

The company does not include current owners of Greenhouse and WiP, according to the Post.