Savile Sex Scandal Spreads

Every day it seems each of the UK papers has its own new and exclusive revelations about British TV personality Jimmy Savile’s sex life and usually some further criticism of the way the BBC dealt with it.

Some have alleged there may have been a network of pedophiles and that Gary Glitter, comedian Freddie Starr and Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis may all have been part of it.

Four staff who worked with Savile on “Top Of The Pops,” once the BBC’s main music programme, have also been named as child abusers, according to The Sun.
The papers unraveling the story are keen to know what the BBC knew about Savile and others and whether someone decided to sweep it under the carpet.
Former Radio 1 controller Derek Chinnery, who ran the station between 1976 and ’85, says he questioned Savile about rumours over his private life more than 20 years ago.
“And he said that’s all nonsense,” Chinnery explained. “There was no reason to disbelieve.”
Police now believe Savile may have sexually abused 60 people dating back to 1959. Scotland Yard, which is coordinating the investigation, said it was following up 340 lines of inquiry and is in contact with 14 other police forces. 
Opposition leader Ed Miliband has demanded an independent inquiry into mounting allegations against Savile. He said that there needed to be a “broad look” at the “horrific allegations,” although culture secretary Maria Miller appears to have ruled that out.
“We already have a police investigation,” she told The Guardian, pointing out she felt further investigations might get in the way of it.
Several papers are reporting that BBC director general George Entwistle is next week expected to appear in front of MPs to answer questions on the Savile scandal.