Baiul Sues WME

William Morris Endeavor is headed to court with Ukrainian figure skater Oksana Baiul over a new lawsuit she filed claiming the firm mishandled money she earned following her Olympic gold-medal win in 1994.

Baiul’s suit, filed in Los Angeles, alleges breach of contract and claims the company cheated her out of earnings after signing her as a minor who could neither read nor speak English.

More than a decade later, Baiul hired a new personal manager, Carlo Farina, who found accounting discrepancies in the millions of dollars collected on her behalf, the complaint says.

“Though Defendants undertook the duty to collect and in fact collected almost US $9.5 million on Baiul’s behalf, Defendants failed to collect additional sums to which Baiul was contractually entitled, failed to remit payment of the additional sums to Baiul and/or took payments owing to Baiul” and wrongly transferred them to her former Ukranian reps, the suit notes.

Specifically, Baiul claims she’s missing hundreds of thousands of dollars from jewelry, book, stationery and informercial deals, plus earnings and royalties from TV and film specials.

Baiul is seeking more than $1 million in damages.