Michelle Shocked Cancellations

Fallout from an anti-gay remark Michelle Shocked reportedly made while performing in San Francisco continues as the singer/songwriter’s U.S. concert calendar quickly crumbles under the weight of cancellations.

Photo: Jason Moore
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, New Orleans, La.

While performing at Yoshi’s in San Francisco March 17, Shocked lived up to her name by telling the audience, “God hates fags and you can tweet that I said so,” according to the San Francisco Chronicle which reported that two-thirds of the audience left after her remark.

Now it looks as if Shocked can forget about her spring U.S. tour as venue after venue listed on her itinerary removes her from their upcoming calendars.

That includes her March 28 gig at McCabe’s Guitar Shop in Santa Monica, March 29 at Moe’s Alley in Santa Cruz, April 24 at HopMonk Tavern in Novato, Calif., April 25 in Winters, Calif., at the Palms Playhouse, April 26 at Alberta Rose Theatre in Portland, Ore., April 27 at Meander’s Kitchen in Seattle, May 4 at E-Town in Boulder, Colo., May 5 at Harmony Bar in Madison, Wis., and June 23 at S.P.A.C.E. in Chicago.

At least one cancellation was not made by a venue.  A representative of Madison’s Harmony Bar told Pollstar that Shocked’s May 5 appearance was canceled by the artist.

But some venues did attribute Shocked’s San Francisco remark as reason for canceling shows.  An announcement on the Palms Playhouse’s Facebook page blamed their cancellation on “recent events.”  HopMonk’s website also refers to Shocked’s Sunday night rant as reason for dropping her from the venue’s calendar.

And Meander’s Kitchen posted a message on its Facebook page saying the venue would not host the artist “due to her homophobic performance in San Francisco.”

A petition asking for venues to cancel her dates was posted on Change.org

One festival scheduled to host Shocked has not removed her from their calendar.  A representative of the Telluride Bluegrass Festival told Pollstar that they had not made a decision about her scheduled July 19 appearance.