Venue Buys Breathalyzers

The Aggie Theatre in Fort Collins, Colo., has instituted some new policies to combat underage drunkenness after the venue was hit with several liquor law violations.

Fans under 21 will now be required to submit to a breathalyzer test and a pat-down before entering.

The move follows a series of medical calls and disturbances at the 650-capacity venue. Authorities told the Coloradoan the Aggie generated more than 50 medical calls since January 2011 and police were called to deal with disturbances, fights and underage drinking 24 times.

“Underage patrons who are visibly intoxicated are consistently found in or associated around an event at the Aggie,” police said. “This happens more at the Aggie than it does at any other establishment in the downtown area.”

The venue was recently forced to stop selling alcohol for five days and during a court hearing over its liquor license, owner Scoo Leary took “100 percent responsibility” for the violations, the Coloradoan said.

Leary and his attorney contend minors weren’t drinking inside the building, but were drinking before concerts, the paper added.