Why Not Name It ‘Samsongs’?
In its never-ending mission to beat Apple at its own game, Korean electronics giant Samsung has announced it is starting a digital music business in South Korea.
While the announcement said the service will be “similar to iTunes,” it will actually be quite different. Essentially, it will be a streaming service that allows users to listen to as much music as they want for a monthly fee.
Samsung already offers this sort of service in 15 other countries and has delayed the launch in its home market of Korea due to complicated copyright laws.
Samsung has “found a solution to the problem,” according to the Dong-a Ilbo news service, though it hasn’t elaborated on exactly what this solution entails.
So far, Samsung has concentrated on hardware, but now feels the need to expand further into services.
The announcement was greeted positively by the music business in Korea, which believes it will receive a fairer price for their products. Samsung’s main rival in this regard is a company called Melon.