Stevie Wonder May Play For Morocco Conference

Stevie Wonder has offered to sing live for international negotiators who are in Morocco trying to forge a deal to give the visually impaired greater access to reading material.

In a video message Friday, the blind singer-songwriter, channeling one of his hits, urged delegates to, “So do it, we get it signed, sealed, delivered, I’m yours.”

Wonder said he’d fly to Marrakech to celebrate with delegates if they strike a deal.

Photo: AP Photo
International Jazz Day, United Nations General Assembly Hall, New York City

Some 600 negotiators from the 186 member-states of the World Intellectual Property Organization are meeting until June 28 to find a way to make it easier to produce Braille books for the visually impaired.

The idea under discussion is to exempt publishers of such books from royalties, an exemption to copyright laws found in only a few countries.