Stars Come Out For Pussy Riot

More than 100 internationally renowned artists and musicians have joined Amnesty International’s call for the release of the two jailed members of the Russian feminist punk group Pussy Riot.

Photo: AP Photo

They include U2, Arcade Fire, Joan Armatrading, Joan Baez, Paul McCartney, Tracy Chapman, Adele, Laurie Anderson, Peter Gabriel, Bob Geldof, and Madonna. In an open letter, coordinated by Amnesty International as part of its ongoing campaign to free 25-year-old Maria Alekhina and 23-year -old Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, the artists pledge their support and say the impact of Pussy Riot’s “shockingly unjust trial and imprisonment has spread far and wide, especially among your fellow artists, musicians and citizens around the world.”

A Moscow court denied parole for Alyokhina after a July 24 hearing. “While understanding the sensitivities of protesting in a place of worship, we ask that the Russian authorities review these harsh sentences, so that you may return to your children, your families and your lives,” the Amnesty letter says. “The Pussy Riot case has shocked musicians all over the world and we’ve had an incredible response to the call to sign this letter,” said Art for Amnesty communications manager Lucy Macnamara.

“Several musicians have told me that if you can’t sing a protest song without fear of arrest then something is badly wrong.

Let’s hope the Russian authorities finally see sense and release Maria and Nadezhda.” Tolokonnikova’s hearing was scheduled July 26. The hearings came almost a year after the start of the heavily publicized trial of Alekhina, Tolokonnikova and a third group member, Ekaterina Samutsevich. The three were charged with “hooliganism on grounds of religious hatred” after Pussy Riot performed a protest song in Moscow’s main Orthodox cathedral in February 2012.

They were convicted and sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, with Amnesty describing the outcome as “a bitter blow for freedom of expression” in Russia. Samutsevich was later released on probation, but appeals by Alekhina and Tolokonnikova have been denied. Amnesty supporters are following up the musicians’ letter with an online campaign ahead of the parole appeal hearings, with campaigners sharing an online appeal to Russia’s prosecutor general.

Others to sign the Amnesty letter include Jeff Beck, Björk, Billy Bragg, Jackson Browne, Peter Buck, The Chemical Brothers, Neneh Cherry, The Clash, Coldplay, Youssou N’Dour, and Yoko Ono.

The Pussy Riot protest was one of a number of protests against Vladimir Putin in the run-up to Russia’s presidential elections in March 2012. The Russian government has since introduced several new restrictions on freedom of expression, assembly and association, including a law amending the criminal code to allow for up to three years’ imprisonment for “public actions aimed at insulting religious feelings.”