Pining For Paul

It wasn’t easy to get Paul McCartney in Japan. Weekly magazine Aera recently ran a story about the tortuous talks to bring Sir Paul’s “Out There” tour there this November.

Photo: Marc Andrew Deley / Invision / AP
Fenway Park, Boston, Mass.

Kyodo Tokyo, which brought McCartney to Japan the last time he toured the country in 2002, apparently negotiated hard with the ex-Beatle’s managers for the tour.

According to the magazine, Kyodo paid more than it initially bargained for because the McCartney side said so many other Japanese promoters were interested in doing the tour, as well, a claim Aera doesn’t buy for some reason.

In any event, Tokyo Shimbun, a national newspaper, followed up the article with its own explaining that Kyodo’s lack of negotiation savvy means

Japanese fans are paying through the nose. In fact, the prices are relatively reasonable compared with other shows of McCartney’s caliber.

The top price for the three Tokyo Dome concerts is 16,500 yen ($168), which is lower than comparable seats in other countries. However, the cheapest ticket for seats in the upper reaches of the Dome go for 12,500 yen ($127), thus pricing out fans of more modest means.

Then again, all Japanese people claim to be middle class.