Indianapolis Shed Floated

Indianapolis could soon be home to a large new amphitheater pending the approval of a proposal to redevelop the 102-acre site of a closed General Motors plant near the city. Details of the plan, one of four under consideration, are apparently still being worked out. 

But if approved, the concert venue would sit across the river from , which has hosted concerts on its 7,400-capacity lawn since 2004.

Park director Robert Whitt told the Indianapolis Star a new amphitheatre would mean serious competition for acts in the region.

“Agents could play one venue off the other, which would drive up fees to the acts and would be passed along to the customers,” Whitt said. “We’ve been very successful for 10 years and would like to continue that success.”

Whether the park will be taken into consideration isn’t up to Indianapolis officials.

The city won’t play a formal role in evaluating the proposals as the site is owned by a trust, the Star noted.

The ownership trust is reportedly working to have the more than 2 million square-foot GM factory and several other buildings demolished by the end of this year.

The plant has been closed since 2009 and Deron Kintner, Indianapolis’ deputy mayor for economic development, told the paper the proposed amphitheatre could be an exciting economic development prospect.

“That type of use is one of the potential uses we could get behind, but the devil would be in the details,” Kintner said.