Bieber’s High Flyin’ Escapade

Remember when U.S. Customs officials searched Justin Beiber’s rented private jet for marijuana after the aircraft landed in New Jersey last week?  Now there are reports that the pilots had to wear oxygen masks in order not to inhale the fumes.

Photo: AP Photo / Tertius Pickard
Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Boondall, Australia

Upon landing at the Teterboro Airport, the Raytheon Hawker 800 jet was met by DEA and Customs and Border Protection agents and police, according to NBC News.  In an exclusive report, NBC said “there was still smoke inside the cabin.”

Officials then questioned Bieber separately because “in past examinations” the pop star “had become argumentative and abusive when together with his security team.”

While walking around the plane, drug-sniffing dogs sat down on the tarmac, an indication that they had smelled marijuana onboard.  Officials boarded the plane but could find no “unsmoked weed.”

The dogs also reacted as if drugs were in three bags of luggage – one bag belonging to Bieber, another to his assistant and one reportedly belonging to his personal trainer. However, officials searched all three bags but couldn’t find any drugs.

Along with claims that the jet was filled with marijuana smoke, NBC News cited an “official report” that said Bieber and his entourage as well as his father, Jeremy Bieber, were “extremely abusive” to a flight attendant.

“The captain of the flight stated that he warned the passengers, including Bieber, on several occasions to stop smoking marijuana,” the reported said, according to NBC News.  “The captain also stated he needed to request that the passengers stop their harassing behavior toward the flight attendant and after several warnings asked the flight attendant to stay with him near the cockpit to avoid any further abuse.”

The pilots reportedly took to using oxygen masks because they feared that inhaling second-hand marijuana smoke might cause them to fail any “subsequent drug test.”

But no weed was found on the aircraft and Bieber and his party were allowed to leave.  According to NBC, nobody in the flight crew was willing to file charges.