CeeLo Check Canceled

A recent CeeLo Green performance has become a hot topic in Little Rock, Ark., after officials decided to cancel the artist’s settlement check following a short performance at Riverfest. 

Photo: Jack Plunkett / Invision / AP
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CeeLo was booked to play a 75- to 90-minute set at the festival May 2, according to the local KARK, but instead showed up on stage 35 minutes late and only played about half the time mandated in his contract.

Riverfest officials told the station CeeLo was paid $50,000 in advance and received another check for a similar amount as settlement.

That check was reportedly canceled soon after. Cheddy Wigginton, a board member for the festival, told KATV the board had high hopes in booking the artist.

“We booked CeeLo Green thinking we were going to have this great musical, great entertainer – got great charisma, great personality from what you see on television,” Wigginton said.

But instead, the board was surprised by the short set. “This is the first time in our entire history that we’ve ever had this issue,” Wigginton added.