Phil Collins And The Alamo

Phil Collins is cleaning out his home in Switzerland and the beneficiaries could very well be the curators at the Alamo in Texas.

Photo: AP Photo
Radiotelevisione Italiana’s "Che Tempo che Fa," Milan, Italy

Collins says he has “hundreds” of cannonballs, documents and other artifacts from the famous landmark. His most prized possession is a receipt signed by Alamo commander William Barret Travis for 32 head of cattle used to feed the Alamo defenders.

The 63-year-old singer/drummer wants to donate his collection to the former mission and Texas revolutionary fort, saying he wants to find places for some of his material and keep the collection together.

Collins began his interest in the Alamo when he was 5 years old and watched the Disney miniseries “Davy Crockett.”

His collection has grown so much that San Antonio Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson said that Collins “has a lot more important stuff than I do.”