Not Everyone Likes U2

What is the world coming to when Apple can’t give out the new U2 album for free without people bellyaching?

Photo: Matt Sayles/Invision/AP
Performing during the Oscars at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles.

One of the bells and whistles that came with last week’s announcement of the new iPhone by Apple was the force-feeding of Songs Of Innocence, which doesn’t arrive in stores until Oct. 13.

But not everyone welcomed the gesture.  Perhaps it was because of lack of storage space or maybe it was because younger music fans don’t appreciate the Irish quartet’s stature as the world’s greatest band.  Either way, the end result was Apple being inundated with complaints from people who weren’t all that happy about receiving Songs Of Innocence.

The album started showing up in iTunes libraries Sept. 9 as Apple CEO Tim Cook addressed the faithful during a company event at the Flint Center in Cupertino, Calif.  Problem is, even if users delete the tracks, the songs keep coming back, courtesy of Apple.

Now the company has put up a page on its website detailing how you can vanquish Songs Of Innocence from your iTunes library once and for all.  Click here if you want to rid yourself of Bono & Company’s latest effort.