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Sharon Osbourne Blasts U2

Sharon Osbourne took to Twitter to express her views on the Apple/U2 deal that resulted in iTunes users receiving free copies of the band’s upcoming album.  Turns out she wasn’t exactly in love with the promotion.

Photo: AP Photo
File photo shows Sharon Osbourne at the 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards in Los Angeles.

U2 was trotted out at the last Apple product announcement so that the company could find a way to tie its Beats music purchase to its portfolio of gadgetry.

The band was reportedly paid somewhere around $30 million so that Apple could give their album away on iTunes – and it would be streaming on Jimmy Iovine’s Beats as well. Dory from “Finding Nemo” paid longer attention to the announcement than Apple users, who were quickly enthralled by Apple’s “new” invention of a smart watch. However, the under-50 crowd was bugged by the album’s invasive appearance in their music library folders.

“U2 you are business moguls not musicians anymore. No wonder you have to give your mediocre music away for free cause no one wants to buy it,” Osbourne tweeted Sept. 15. That got her on a roll. “Jimmy Iovine, iTunes, U2, you’re a bunch of megalomaniacs. FUCK YOU!.”

Osbourne, currently the mother hen / babba-wawa of TV show “The Talk,” usually tweets soft-pedaled advertisements for the show like, “So nice of @DrewFromTV to bring a little #PriceIsRight fun to #TheTalk!” but for whatever reason she went back to the old days when she was running Ozzfest, kicking crotches and making snarky comments about Billy Corgan. And once, apparently because she was tired of paying outrageous artist guarantees, she made Ozzfest free – although ancillary revenue streams kept it on the road. So she knows what’s free and what is not.

“Guys nothing is for free, how much you making?” she tweeted. “PS, btw you are just a bunch of middle age political groupies.” Oh yes, there was more.

“Whose political ass are we going to pull you out of today? Or are you front row at another tragic fashion show?”

And then, for some reason, Kanye West: “People go to Kanye’s shows for the rants, not the music anymore. #TheTalk.” Maybe we should have watched “The Talk” to catch the reference but we’re not at home during the day.

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