Daily Pulse

Alice Cooper Opens Thrift Store In Phoenix

Alice Cooper is a thrift-store kind of guy.

Photo: John Davisson
MidFlorida Credit Union Amphitheatre, Tampa, Fla.

Now, the rock star has turned his penchant for collecting items from flea markets and thrift stores into his own shop in Phoenix.

Alice’s Attic opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony last week in the same building where his Rock Teen Center is located.

The self-described shopaholic tells The Arizona Republic  that many of the items are from his own collection and were likely worn by him.

Some of the proceeds will benefit the youth center.

Cooper also wants to see youths get vocational training by working at the store.

Cooper, whose hits include “School’s Out” and “I’m Eighteen,” has also been playing with Mötley Crüe on their goodbye tour.

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