Alejandro Escovedo Postponements

You can forget about seeing Alejandro Escovedo performing with Peter Buck.  Citing health reasons, Alejandro Escovedo has scrubbed the October-November outing.

A message posted on Escovedo’s Facebook page says “exhaustion and personal responsibilities” are the reasons for the artist canceling shows with R.E.M. co-founder/guitarist Buck.  At least, that’s the short version.

Photo: John Davisson
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival, Fairgrounds Racecourse, New Orleans, La.

The long version is Escovedo’s missive to fans which begins by describing his first shows this year. He also writes about getting married and touring as a member of The Fauntleroys, a side project that included Ivan Julian, Nick Tremulis and Linda Pitmon.

It’s not until after Escovedo’s narrative mentions he and his wife “barely survived a category 4 hurricane in Southern Baha” in September that he talks about his own health concerns.

“I am undergoing tests to determine that there is nothing serious going on with my health. So far so good,” wrote Escovedo.  “But all concerned including doctors believe that rest and being at home is the best medicine for us right now.  I have made my career as a working musician and I believe that anyone who has been to my shows understands how much joy I get from playing live.”

The canceled range from Oct. 30 to Nov. 14 and include gigs that were scheduled for San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Aspen, Salt Lake City and Boise. 

Refunds for the canceled dates are available at points of purchase.  Click here for details.