Barclays Center Sues ‘Fashion Rocks’
CBS is also suing. Three Lions Entertainment agreed to rent the arena for “Fashion Rocks,” a Ryan Seacrest-hosted concert cum fashion show that was broadcast on CBS Sept. 9, featuring Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lopez, and
Three Lions’s bill for the event came to about $2 million, according to the Hollywood Reporter, and was offset by about $600,000 in ticket sales. Barclays management alleges it hasn’t seen a dime of the balance.
Three Lions execs Richard Beckman and Greenberg Traurig partner Joel Katz allegedly don’t dispute the amount or that it is owed. Beckman has reportedly admitted telling Barclays officials the company doesn’t have the money to pay up, and it’s believed Three Lions will be liquidated. CBS has sued for $2.45 million plus interest, and in court documents claim Beckman told the company Three Lions is “insolvent.”