Gifting The Gift Of Music

Do you give music for Christmas?  Or, for that matter, are you hoping that Santa comes through this year with your favorite artist’s new release?

 “Give The Gift Of Music” has been a common promotional phrase for years, going back to those days of  yore when music fans would anxiously look among the gifts placed under the Christmas tree in hopes of seeing the unmistakable square, flat shape of a record album wrapped in the season’s best paper.

Then CDs overtook vinyl and, while packages may have been smaller, there was still music under those trees.

Now we live in the age where we can purchase songs from a number of online purveyors and have them immediately download as zeros and ones.  Or we subscribe to online music services giving us “on demand” listening privileges.

Which leads to our question:  Are you giving or do you hope to receive music in the form of a CD, vinyl record or even in the form of a digital gift certificate on Christmas day?  Giving and receiving music on December 25 has been a tradition almost as long as the history of recorded music.  Does that tradition still live today?  Any comments?