V Fests Sort South Coast Snag

The sleepy Sussex seaside town of Shoreham will have woken up to the fact it may have a festival on its doorstep, following the local Adur District Council’s decision to approve a license application from SJM Concerts Jan. 14.

Although the Manchester-based promoter had apparently fulfilled its obligations during the licensing procedure, which had been publicized by the local authority, no objections cropped up until days before the public consultancy period was to end.

This goundswell of opinion against the event, which is scheduled for June, suddenly grew to include a local residents’ association, a school and even a dogs’ home.

SJM wanted permission to run events on the nearby Shoerham airfield from midday to as late as 3 a.m., with alcohol served until 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday nights.

Local councilor Liz Haywood told regional paper The Argus that she feels the application had “very much gone under the radar.”

Despite the last-minute protests, the application was approved by the local council and backed by the local police, albeit with restrictions including a capacity limitation of 35,000.

The event will also have to close at 1 a.m. SJM is believed to have wanted 70,000 on the airport site, which is home to a couple of private flying clubs and host to an annual airshow.