Daily Pulse

Rapper Accused In Robbery

A Peruvian rapper was arrested for allegedly robbing and assaulting two men selling T-shirts outside his show at the  in Santa Ana, Calif.  

, whose real name is Felipe Andres Coronel, was arrested on suspicion of robbing and attempting to dissuade victims from reporting a crime, according to a police report obtained by the Orange County Register.

Coronel and a group of more than 10 other people stole merchandise, cash and cellphones from two sellers outside the venue because the rapper wasn’t profiting from the merch sales, police told the paper.

The sellers were able to identify Coronel and one other man, who were then arrested. Authorities did not recover the stolen merchandise, cash or cellphones, the Register said. Coronel posted a $50,000 bond and was released from jail the next day. 

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