Smartphones Permeate Concert Experience

Smartphones are a huge part of peoples’ lives, and though some artists have banned them during shows, it’s pretty likely that fans and their phones will continue to be a part of concerts for the foreseeable future.

Photo: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP
The new iPhone 5c during a new product announcement at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.

A recent Harris Poll commissioned by Ticketfly on smartphone use during live events certainly said as much. Harris reported that 70 percent of respondents ages 18-34 who attend live events are interested in using their phone as their ticket, and 66 percent are interested in using their phone to pay for food, beverages and merch.

The survey also uncovered some interesting findings on what fans are doing with their phones during the show. In the 18-34 age range, 31 percent said they use their phones during half the event or more, with 40 percent of females reporting they like to take photos and 35 percent of females sharing their experiences via social media.

Single phone users share their experiences on social media more than married phone users (22 percent versus 9 percent), and 23 percent of 18-34 year olds said they use their phones during an event to search for information about an artist. Finally, more than 60 percent of people in the 18-34 age group that attend live events said they are interested in getting mobile notifications about offers for merch, food and beverages, and VIP access during an event.