B.B. King Kin Going To Vegas Court To Seek Medical Records

Some B.B. King heirs want a judge in Las Vegas to turn over to the family the late blues icon’s medical records.

A lawyer for King’s estate, Brent Bryson, calls a scheduled Friday probate hearing unnecessary, and an attempt by disgruntled family members to get attention.

Photo: Andy Argyrakis / ConcertLivewire.com
Rialto Square Theatre, Joliet, Ill.

The proceeding comes a month after the Clark County coroner said an autopsy found no evidence to prove allegations by two of King’s adult daughters that King was poisoned before he died.

Coroner John Fudenberg says King died May 14 of natural causes.

Daughters Karen Williams and Patty King have accused King’s business manager, LaVerne Toney, and his personal assistant, Myron Johnson, of hastening their father’s death.

Lawyer Larissa Drohobyczer says they want the records to make sure Kling was properly cared for.