Promoter Wanted For Grand Theft

Authorities are seeking a man who promoted the San Joaquin County Family Fair in Stockton, Calif., last July and is wanted on several counts of grand theft for allegedly swindling vendors, officials said.

Stockton police identified the man as Melvin Monroe Adams who organized the event at the fairgrounds and got away with $170,000, according to KCRA-TV.

“It’s a $600,000 felony arrest warrant for 18 counts of grand theft,” said Joe Silva of the Stockton Police Department. “He went under so many different aliases.”

Adams went under names of Marvin Adams, Michael Allen, Kevin Johnson and at least four others, officials said. He operated under companies called Next Level Concert group and Blackstar Artist Management and has lived in Las Vegas and Southern California.

“Probably for a good 20 years this man has been doing this at different locations,” Silva told the station. The investigation is ongoing.