Canadian Sound Showdown

The Montreal suburb of St. Lambert is tired of loud outdoor concerts and is pushing ahead with a lawsuit against the city and promoter Evenko.

St. Lambert has been attempting to negotiate an agreement to lower the volume of such events to no avail, according to Canada’s CTV. Even Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre joked he would “rather go crowdsurfing at a concert than sit down with his suburban counterpart,” the TV network said.

St. Lambert has so far come up empty-handed, with Quebec Superior Court ruling against its attempt to win an injunction to stop concerts.

But suburban officials vow to press on with the lawsuit while still hoping an agreement can be negotiated.

Concerts at Jean Drapeau Park and auto races on the Gilles Villeneuve racetrack have drawn complaints for years, according to CTV, but an increase in concerts in the last five years have made the problem worse, residents say.

The next hearing is Nov. 25, when St. Lambert responds to Evenko and the city of Montreal’s legal request to have the lawsuit dismissed.