Creative Industries Add NZ$3.8B

New Zealand’s creative industries added NZ$3.848 billion ($2.5 billion) to gross domestic product in 2014 – and music’s contribution makes up 12 percent of that.

The PwC report Employment and National GDP Impacts Of Music, Publishing And Film And Television in New Zealand, was published Oct. 1 by WeCreate, an alliance of New Zealand’s creative industries.

The report covers games, music, books and film and television. It noted that the sectors also directly employed nearly 20,000 New Zealanders and 42,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs. The economic impact was made up of 74 percent by film and television combined; 8 percent by books; and 6 percent by games.

Specific figures for the music industry found it provides a total 4,295 FTE jobs (1,754 direct) and has a total impact on GDP of NZ$472 million ($304.1 million) and NZ$213 million ($137.2 million) directly.

Paula Browning, chair of WeCreate, said up-to-date data on the sectors’ value was critical to measuring future growth.

“As the report shows, each industry has a different mix of revenue streams,” Browning said. “The level of revenue from each stream is changing and new streams are being added as industries respond to influences such as technological innovation and customer demand.” Browning added that the figures put forward a strong case for future expanded investment by the New Zealand government.