French Music Sector Makes Unifying Statement

In reaction to the Paris attacks, the French music sector came together in an act of “rare unity,” as Stéphanie Thomas from the French federation for contemporary music, Fedelima, told Pollstar.

“We, the professionals, artists, writers, unions, federations and networks, support organizations and civil societies of the world of music and the performing arts, are still hurt and dismayed by the horror and are standing together – determined and in memory of all the victims and in solidarity with all the people in their respective cultural fields,” the statement reads.

“These tragic events remind us that freedom, creativity, expression is fragile. Because the shows make us live and vibrate together, because they embody the values of openness and tolerance, they are targets, but can also be the ramparts to obscurantism and fanaticism. “We will continue to conduct our business under the best possible safety conditions. We need each other to share moments, ideas and emotions, in theaters and at festivals like the café terraces or in stages.

“Create, play, produce, disseminate music and shows, encourage meetings: that is what we will defend, without hatred or fear.”

The statement was signed by Actes if, Adami, Agi-son, Aprèsmai, ASTP, Avant-mardi, Bureau Export, CD1D, CFTC, CNV, Collectif Bar-Bars, CSCAD, CSDEM, Le Fair, FAMDT, FCM, Fedelima, Fédération de Concert!, La Felin, Férarock, Fneijma, Fraca – Ma, Horslesmurs, La Gam, Le Grada, IRMA, Opale, Le Patch, Le Pole, PRMA, Prodiss, Le Rama, Le Rif, Raoul, RCA, Rezo-Parleur, SACD, SACEM, SAMUP, SCPP, SFA, SMA, SNAC, SNACOPVA CFE-CGC, SNAM CGT, CGT Spectacle (FNSAC CGT), SNDTP, SNEA-UNSA, SNEP, SNES, SNLA-FO, SNSO, Spedidam, SPPF, Synavi, Technopol – Technoparade, Themaa, UFISC, UPFI, UMJ and Zone Franche.

Also, Live DMA, the European association for independent venues released the following statement: “We are thousands of venues, projects, live performing arts organisations. Thousands of spaces for education, joy, music; spaces for people living in freedom. These places are made of everyone’s cultures. Thousands ways to be opened on the world, to build walls against fear, hate and extremism.

“We are thousands of venues that will stay open and that will make music sounds all around the world. “We are Le Bataclan, we are bars, we are music venues, we are restaurants, we are stadiums. We are standing. We are crying, we will cry for a long time, with music, for the ones who are gone. We will dedicate them our next concerts, to the ones who suffered from horror and insanity. We are thousands of venues and cultural projects. We are even more. We are stronger.”

Live DMA also started the initiative One Minute of Noise on Facebook. On Friday, Nov. 20, at 10 p.m. all participating venues will have a minute of noise. Thomas informed Pollstar that the French government has allocated a security fund for venues. Several millions are supposed to help improve their security standards, but also help small venues survive the cancellations of events that are happening in the wake of the November 13 attacks.