Fake Comic Con Cop Gets Court Time

A man who posed as a federal agent to try to score VIP tickets to a Comic Con event in Salt Lake City pleaded not guilty in court Dec. 2. 

Jonathon Wall is facing charges of impersonating a federal officer and making a false statement at the Sept. 24 convention. Wall requested two-all access passes to the event, claiming he was an Air Force Office of Special Investigations agent trying to catch a fugitive.

But the jig was up after Wall was questioned by several real Air Force special agents who confirmed he didn’t work for the agency. Though Wall claimed he came up with the idea on a whim, the agents contend he deliberately planned the scheme. If convicted, he faces up to three years in prison on the impersonation charge and up to five years for making a false statement, plus fines that could reach more than $250,000. A trial has been set for Feb. 8.