Limerick Concerts Quest

The possibility of major concerts coming back to  in Limerick, Ireland, may seem slim but one man wants promoters to look beyond Dublin when they route their acts. 

 in 2013. The event drew a sold-out, 28,000-plus crowd. At the time, promoter Peter Aiken reportedly indicated he’d book there again.

“We will be back but we need to lower expectations. This does make a statement in the entertainment world, but all the other shows we have done there have also helped; Thomond is a pretty valid venue,” Aiken was quoted as saying.

Even though the Springsteen concert is a good selling point for the stadium, it hasn’t been enough so far.

“We have been there and back umpteen times with the main promoters and we are getting the same story in that they are concentrating and focusing on Dublin,” Cantwell told the Leader. “It is to our detriment and Limerick’s detriment – and all across the country, there is not a stadium that is really getting any business during the summer.”

However, Cantwell isn’t discouraged and will keep working toward his goal.

“I am sure it will change. Promoters tell us it is cyclical and when they have something, it will come our way. It is very hard to affect it really and influence it. It is a big cost for any promoter and it is all about the availability of the acts.”